Success Stories
NicoBloc Success Stories
Personal improvement starts with the very first drop. Watch as smokers document their journey with the help of NicoBloc.
Joe - First Time Using NicoBloc from NicoBloc USA on Vimeo.
First Time Using Nicobloc
“I still feel like I'm smoking a cigarette but my lungs don't hurt as much. It's actually quite incredible.”Joe - Gave Up After Using NicoBloc One Time from NicoBloc USA on Vimeo.
Gave Up After Using Nicobloc Once
“I saw the end of the filter and it freaked me out to the point where I don't even want to smoke a cigarette anymore. I've been smoking for three and a half years and I put it down and haven't picked one up since. That stuff really helped.”Smoking While Pregnant
"When I decided I wanted to get pregnant I knew I had to give up smoking. My future baby instantly became the most important thing in my world, and I wouldn’t risk hurting him or her by smoking.”Watch April's journey.


“The idea of continuing to smoke, while stopping, really appealed to me.”
I have been a smoker since I was fifteen years old. I have tried to stop using the “cold turkey” method on many occasions. I didn’t want to waste my money on nasty tasting gum/lozenges or the useless patches many of my friends have tried.
Jeannell’s Success Story
Within the first two weeks, I went from about a pack and a half a day, down to just a little more than half a pack. I loved the fact that I could stop at my own pace.
I continued on with the program for the next few weeks. I stopped right before New Years. That saved me from making some New Year’s resolution I wouldn’t keep.
I have not had a single craving even though I am constantly around other smokers. I am trying to get them to try your wonderful product.
I’m now one of the non smoking “IN” crowd!
*“My husband wouldn’t kiss me if he knew I’d been smoking.”
I started smoking when she was 16 and had been on 20-a-day since then. Stopping for me meant more than giving up a favorite habit as I’ve always had a weight problem and was scared to stop in case I put more on. The temptation to smoke when out with friends and having drinks was also great. I once managed to stop for three months using patches. Then I thought I’d be able to smoke socially, but I’d look for any excuse to go to the pub just so I could have a smoke.
Lita’s Success Story
I could smoke as long as I put the drops of NicoBloc into the filter. It was one drop in the first week, two in the second and three in the third, by which time I was only absorbing one per cent of the nicotine and tar. After a while, I wasn’t enjoying smoking as much as usual.
I loved the fact that I didn’t have to stop straight away. It gave me a chance to learn how to cope with the changes and get used to not smoking so much over a period of time before the final break.
I no longer get the urge to smoke, even in the pub or with a cup of coffee. I have changed my whole lifestyle. Before I couldn’t run at the gym without coughing and getting out of breath. Now I can run an average of 25 miles a week. I achieved my post-smoking ambition of running in the London Marathon raising money for the British Lung Foundation.

*“I bought three packs every day and they were always my priority.”
I smoked 60 cigarettes every day for 45 years.
Terry’s Success Story
I was dubious that anything could help me give up, but after using NicoBloc for only 6 weeks he was able to stop completely
I was amazed; I had no withdrawal symptoms at all. I had the odd twinge when I was having a cup of tea but it passed quickly, and now I can sit with a group of smokers and feel no temptation to light up again.
I was amazed; I had no withdrawal symptoms at all. I had the odd twinge when I was having a cup of tea but it passed quickly, and now I can sit with a group of smokers and feel no temptation to light up again.
I have been free from cigarettes for the past two and a half years, thanks to NicoBloc. Since then, I’ve seen a change in my health but also counted the change in my pocket. I have saved myself so much money, I celebrated with the purchase of a new car. I played a lot of soccer and still play a bit of tennis and feel better than ever.
When introduced to 3,000 smokers, 58% gave up smoking with NicoBloc in the first 6 weeks.
Challenging yourself, a friend or a family member to gave-up smoking or reduce its harmful effects in just 6 weeks
During the first week of the NicoBloc Challenge, one drop of NicoBloc fluid is applied to the filter of the cigarette, blocking 33% of the harmful tar and nicotine. In the second week, two drops are applied, blocking 66%. In weeks three through six, three drops are applied, blocking up to 99%.
During the first week of the NicoBloc Challenge, one drop of NicoBloc fluid is applied to the filter of the cigarette, blocking 33% of the harmful tar and nicotine. In the second week, two drops are applied, blocking 66%. In weeks three through six, three drops are applied, blocking up to 99%.
For more information see HOW TO USE.
Establish your success objective – to stop entirely, to smoke less, or to reduce health risk.
Set weekly targets during the 6-week program. This gives you something to aim for each week and is very satisfying when this is achieved.
The NicoBloc Challenge uses the Gradual Reduction Method where small steps in the right direction are longer lasting than giant strides.
Once you complete the NicoBloc Challenge you can become a NicoBloc Success Story. Share your journey with us by writing down your feelings, thoughts and challenges you faced along the way.
Your story can have a positive impact on those who want to stop, smoke less, or reduce the health risk of smoking.
To take the NicoBloc Challenge and share your story, please email us at
*Disclaimer: Results may very from person to person.